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Title Neon Wax - White LOON™ TOP RIDE™ Dessicant HyGel Floatant Non-Silicone Floatant
Price $11.99 $16.99 $9.50
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SKAFARS Neon Wax High Visibility Indicator, 1 tube White

Color options are: White, Neon Yellow, Neon Orange, Neon Red, Neon Pink, Neon Green, Black.

The Skafar Neon waxes have to be the most innovative addition to ‘indication’ when Czech/Euro nymphing. Under all light conditions these ‘waxes’ prove to be the ultimate in seeing your leader or tippet and connecting directly to that strike. Stay in constant contact with your fly, staying is the zone.  This Neon Wax is so easy to apply.  Use it at various intervals to code your tippet/leader.  Does not stain your line or create any residue.  Wipes off with a paper tissue.  Doesn’t create any extra weight or affect the performance of your fishing or line.  Simple code and mark as you wish.

LOON™ TOP RIDE™ Dessicant

Known as “Shake and Bake” by world class guides, this desiccant (drying agent) and powder floatant is fast and easy to use. A fly (still attached to the leader) goes in wet, and a few shakes later comes out dry and coated with a powder floatant.

Stone Creek™ Hygel™ – Premium Fly Treatment is an environment friendly non-silicone based floatant.

High Floating Gel Classic non-silicone based floatant that floats flies longer than silicone based gels.  It liquifies at body temperature and becomes semi-solid again when immersed in cold water, repelling moisture from your flies. Hygel has a human odor scent mask.  It is environmentally safe and leaves no oil slick.  Work a small amount of HyGel into the fly with your finger and thumb.  Do not use too much.

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Weight 0.1 kg 0.1 kg 0.1 kg
Dimensions N/A N/A N/A
Brand Skafars Loon Stone Creek
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